Who Are We?

A Shared Experience

Alice’s Tea Party was founded by Alice Hicks in 2007. It was, at first, just a chance to talk about her experiences of being in the mental health system with friends who had been through similar things. But with the Joining of Susie Stead a few years later, it quickly developed into something more. A place to meet, socialise, and make new friends.

Lived Experience

It was decided that, as the tea parties grew, and the needs of the group got a bit complicated, and to share the burden of setting up and organising the tea parties, that ATP needed a committee. We all contribute something, and we are all volunteers.

Our Core Values

Everyone involved in the tea parties has some experience of mental health; whether that’s lived experience, supporting others, or just seeing the difficulties other’s go though and wanting to help.

Alice’s Tea Parties are always free (though you can give a donation if you want!)
There’s no them and us; it’s just ‘us’.
Whilst we have a committee, we’re very unofficial.